Sunday, January 2, 2011


I am really excited for this year's study of the New Testament in Sunday School.  What an excellent way to to learn more about Christ.

Take my ayoke upon you, and blearn of me;
for I am cmeek and dlowly in eheart:
and ye shall find frest unto your souls. 
- Matthew 11:29

Learning of the Savior and his truths is an essential part of living the gosepl.  Our efforts to search the scriptures daily will help us draw nearer to Him.

But these are awritten, that ye might bbelieve
that Jesus is the cChrist, the Son of God;
and that believing ye might have
dlife through his ename
- John 20:31

As we participate in the weekly Sunday lessons we will see qualities and characteristics of the Savior that we will want to make a part of ourselves.  Don't forget to read the scriptures assigned for each lesson before class.  Use the study guide provided by the Sunday School President it will help you stay focused on the lessons and give you better understanding of the Gospel Principles taught.